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Showing posts from September, 2022

2022 Prize Winners for Challenger's section

Malaysian Chess Festival - Challengers Winners' List PIN IT

DATMO Winners' List

Malaysian Open Winners List

2022 Pictures from Round 7

GM Priasmoro Novendra wins DATCC Individual Rapid Open 2022

GM Priasmoro Novendra emerged champion of the DATCC Individual Rapid Chess Championship 2022 - Open scoring 5.5 points from 6 rounds. GM Priasmoro Novendra had 5 wins, 1 draws and 0 loss. Wins include games against Aziz Ziz Zam Najarin Nazir FM Kurniawan Muhamad Agus IM Lioe Dede WGM Ng…

Malaysian Chess Festival After 3 Rounds(Open,Challengers and Seniors)

Four players lead in the 2022 Malaysian Open After 3 rounds of the Malaysian Open, 4 players are leading the event with perfect 3 out of 3 scores.  They are International Master Ali Muhammad Lutfi, GM Ly Moulthun, GM Deepan Chakkravarthy J. and IM Andyka Pitra.  PIN IT A total of 76 playe…

Festival 2nd Blitz

Register Online Here.

Blitz CM Tan Jun Ying vs IM Pitra Andika

Festival 1st Merdeka Blitz Results 2022